Georgina Davis-Tōpou
Ngāpuhi, Ngāi Tai, Ngāti Porou
Georgina is a wahine Māori, a mother, daughter, wife, teacher, researcher, and occupational therapist. She started with a clinical background in mental health and addictions and has moved into kaupapa Māori research and now teaches health students at AUT on Hauora Māori. Through her career she has moved into leadership and governance positions and uses these roles to implement change. She is currently doing her Doctorate on Māori experiences in working in Te Tiriti o Waitangi based governance models.
Promoting flourishing Indigenous communities by addressing internalised oppression
Internalised oppression refers to the belief in, and alignment with, societal level
supremacist ideologies about marginalised folk. In colonially ‘settled’ spaces,
internalised oppression is inevitable and impacts the ability to live flourishing and
culturally fulfilling lives. It is an intended, but minimally spoken of, aim of the
ongoing colonisation project. Internalised oppression supports the reproduction
of systems and structures that promote whiteness which elicit and reward
expressions of internalised oppression including lateral violence. Lack of awareness and engagement with internalised oppression contributes to disconnection to culture, lands, communities, and language resulting in poorhealth and wellbeing. Greater awareness of its destructive impacts and colonial
function challenge the idea that internalised oppression is merely a personal
issue located within ‘disconnected’ individuals, as opposed to a carefully honed
supremacist practice. Our session will explore structures and processes that contribute to internalised
oppression, while highlighting strategies and actions to engage and manage it.